Happy Canada Day!

Amelia spent today trying valiantly to get back to the nest ledge, to no avail. A succession of volunteers — Rémy, James, Dominique, Langis, Jennifer, Pauline and I — tracked her as she flew from ledge to ledge, explored the roof of the Annex building, and feasted on a well-deserved meal or two or three.

By 8 p.m., she was back on the south side of the main building, sharing a bite with Rowena and then Ivanhoe. We thought he stole her food at one point, but he was just bringing the leftovers to the younger chick.

Both parents encouraged Amelia to fly and tried to lead her back to the nest. She might have had better luck if she hadn’t been weighed down with so much pigeon. Instead, at nightfall, she finally landed on an east-side ledge, did a face-plant and fell fast asleep. She was still there, undisturbed by either the Canada Day fireworks or the giant flag flapping in the wind, when Pauline checked on her after 10 p.m.

The younger and still unnamed chick remains on the nest ledge, but not for long. He is practising like mad for his first flight.

Amelia, July 1, 2015. Photo by Alex deVries.

Amelia, July 1, 2015. Photo by Alex deVries.

Amelia, July 1, 2015

Amelia ready for takeoff on the roof of the Annex, July 1, 2015. Photo by Anouk Hoedeman.


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