August 9 [from Phil] — I think it is Tailer heading for the antenna on the Bradson building, there is an adult there. Once he arrives, the adult takes off, Tailer follows, with lots of calling. He then starts chasing pigeons, and at one point comes within about 10 metres of the ground of the parking lot across from the Crowne! {He is looking down at me at one point.} With no success he ends up on the veterans building and trys again. The pigeons just scatter. He flies over to the top of the Crowne and continues to vocalize. No one else in sight at this time.
August 4 [from G. Vautour] — Falcon on the south side of the Coats Building (Tunney’s) today around 12:15. Could not make a clear ID as I could just see a head and a wing and was without glasses.
August 4 [from Phil] — On sunday morning both our chicks were flying together in front of the Crownee Plaza. There was a lot of vocalizing and both seem to be enjoying themselves. Then an adult joined them, Diana I believe. The two chicks landed on the condo building across from the Crowne, side by side. They only stayed for a moment, then were off again!
July 16 [from Marian] — At 8:00 there was one adult falcon on one of the structures half way down on the west side of Tower C and one chick on the ledge on the west side of the Crown Plaza. Then the adult flew off from Tower C and was joined by another falcon which I think was the other chick. A few minutes later three falcons flew over the Crown. The other chick landed on the north west corner roof of the Crown Plaza. Both parents disappeared from sight. One returned briefly landing near the chick on the ledge but did not stay.
This is the first morning in a number of days that I have been able to see both chicks. Some mornings there has been one chick sitting on the west side ledge of the Crowne Plaza.
July 6 [from Marian] — Noon today for about 10 minutes from the plaza of the Contribution Tower I watch as the whole family was in the air high over Queen and Albert. Tailer and Nehei were flying over the Crowne Plaza and Place du Ville buildings, at times paying talon tag, while Diana and Connor few high above. At one point one of the parents joined them. After awhile, one chick landed on the very top of Tower C Antenna. The other chick flew by very close trying to get it to fly off again. Eventually it did and both were in the air again. When I left the area, one had landed on the antenna of Tower C and the other on the south (centre) side of the Crown Plaza. A little later when I was heading back to the office (from Lyon Street) I watch as one made a few miscalculations in landing. First it tried to land on west side of the Crown Plaza ledge but was too low and almost landed on one of the lower window ledges; she then tried for Tower 1 of the Constitution Building but did not have time to gain height. I suspect this was Nehei. Both times she corrected her flight. She then flew toward the Delta; then over the Place due Ville buildings before disappearing from sight.
July 3 [from Chris Traynor] — I know some of you have been worried about the lack of Nihei sightings, but this morning, at 11:15, I spotted two young falcons playing about the southwest corner of Place de Ville “C”.
Nihei (left) and Tailer photographed by Chris Traynor
June 29 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — This, our last day, has been a strange one. Other than seeing the adults sitting here and there, I had little sightings of any falcons. I’d see one on the west side of the Crowne and 1 on the Carlisle antenna. Tailer was seen once in a long while, but didn’t do any of his usual flying overhead as he did yesterday. Once Diana took him over the river for lessons, perhaps in hunting. As for Nihei, she has been out of sight all day.
I did get to watch a few passes overhead by the Snowbirds, and to have some cake passed out to all who work in Constitution Square, for Canada Day. As I was on my own for most of today, I was delighted to see Marian who gave me a much needed lunch break. Brian and Nancy came for their shifts. I was glad to see Jorgen, Mary, Bernie and Christine who all stopped by, and who also tried to look for Nihei.I omitted a report that Nihei was seen last evening trying to land on the Carlisle antenna with her brother but missed so she returned to Constitution Square.I took Jorgen up to the roof of Tower 2 to look for Nihei. In spite of searching all roofs possible, we didn’t see her. Diana and Connor came after us only when we approached the northwest side, near Tower 1. Once we moved away, they left us. However, we checked all possible angles including the roof. Was she there, or did they think she was there? And, so we left tonight, knowing we did our job, but still wondering where our chicklet is. Some of us will still go down and check on our falcon family from time to time. I know those working down in the area of our Watch will keep on looking for her and will let me know when they see Tailer and Nihei. Until next June, Eve.
June 29 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — Our next to last day! We had no one on from 6 to 9 this morning, so this report starts at 9 am. I found Nihei still on the southwest corner of Tower B while Tailer was on the southwest corner of the roof of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Both our adults were on the Carlisle antenna.
Just after 10, Diana brought food to Tower B where her daughter was sitting, but Tailer, who followed her there, grabbed it first and all Nihei could do was watch and wait until he had finished. Diana flew off and Connor sat on the antenna of Tower C. After eating, Tailer flew to Tower A and his sister immediately jumped on the rest of the food for herself.
At 11:30 Nihei left Tower B. She headed towards the gap between Towers 2 and 3, changed her direction and went between Towers 1 and 2. Her flight was a good, steady one, maintaining her height and speed. She disappeared! We started our search, while Nancy put out the news. Our eyes searched every building top edge, every balcony and ledge, and in between without seeing her. Eventually I had the feeling she was somewhere on the top of the Minto Suites. That is a logical place to go when first flying in that gap. Diana then flew close to the top row of windows at the northwest part.
Tailer went flying and showing off all his tricks and lessons, and most of that took place right above the Suites. We settled down to watch the roof from different places. We saw Tailer and the adults at various times flying around here and there, but mostly where they could see the Suites. We watched the new OC Transpo Double Decker bus pass by. We had many people pass by to see if Nihei had flown, and a few disappointed that they could not see any falcons.
Around 4, Tailer came speeding by to the antenna on Tower C, tickled the top of an upright post, and sped away again, as if practising his stoop horizontally. He came back and landed on a red “hub” on that antenna. How comfortable he is with his flying!
And then the rain came. We still hadn’t seen Nihei, so I went up to the penthouse of the Crowne to have a look at the roofs around. I checked all the ledges, but still no chicklet. Just before 7:30 there was another food drop to Tailer at the northwest corner of Tower 1, so up I went again with Nancy, for another check, still without our baby. Tailer was really working over what looked like the body of a pigeon minus the head and wings.
After 8, Chris came over and decided to go up on the roof of Tower 2 for a look. Sure enough, he found her, as he has in the past! She was on that roof, sitting on a satellite dish! We had thought she had moved from the Suites to Constitution Square, but thought Tower 1, not 2. So much for our thoughts.
Tomorrow should bring a day of eyes upwards, hoping to see Nihei flying, as well as enjoying Tailer and his parents. How lucky we are to have this family in Ottawa.
June 28 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — None of us thought we would be still doing this 22 days after we started, but here we are. Our morning was very quiet. Breakfast was served early and as far as I know there were no more food drops to either chicklet. Nihei had to have her nap, of course.
Tailer has now mastered soaring, and has been seen going very high in the sky. He looks wonderful! He still likes to tuck himself in the box on the Crowne. Nihei, on the other hand, seems to like the northeastern corner of Tower 1. Her brother flies over from time to time to sit with her. This time, when he flew over, both were at the corner, flapping vigorously. We expected her to bop him off the ledge, but that didn’t happen.
Then late this afternoon, the adults issued warnings and both flew over Tower 2. It turned out to be men working on the Minto, putting up the flag for Canada Day. Eventually the adults gave up. Tailer showed up on Tower A begging for food. Nihei was out of our sight.
We were sitting under the trees across the road when, suddenly, Nihei was in the air! She flew across to the hotel and tried to land in the box that her brother liked, but she couldn’t, so she turned back and landed on another part of the same roof she started out from. Then it poured. We ran into the bus shelter and continued to watch. Tailer was still on Tower A behind us. We could see him in the reflection of Tower 2.
Nihei flew across to a good landing on Tower A and walked over to join Tailer. Diana and Connor showed up on the same tower. Apparently Diana had a small piece of meat. Connor jumped in and grabbed it! He flew out overhead and dropped it and Tailer flew out and caught it! Needless to say, Nihei complained loudly. We all felt she should have been rewarded for flying with dinner, but when we eventually left, she still had not eaten.
Soon Tailer was up on Tower B. Nihei wanted to join him and slowly flapped and walked down to the closest corner and flew, or hopped over to his side. They both made it to the southwest corner. Then we saw a strange thing. Tailer flew very fast westwards. He muffed 4 landings, made it to Tower 1, left and went around the Crowne, back, missed another landing, flew around and landed on the corner of the nest ledge, flew out again and landed in the box where he likes to sleep. That is where we left them, in the rain. We will continue tomorrow and possibly Tuesday, but I doubt our chicklets will need us further. Let’s hope we can sit and watch as they fly and play together in the sky!
June 27 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — I am beginning to think our Nihei is going for a record, the most number of days without flying! Have any of you experienced this? Let me know, please!
Well, same old, same old. Our day started out the same as the day before, with Nihei still on Tower 1. She is now 49 days old, and Tailer is 50 today. Maybe she is waiting to turn 50 before she goes. She had better do it right!
Breakfast was served just before 7 am. Tailer had his on the top of the Bay St Apartments, a Mourning dove which he plucked. Obviously his lessons are going well. He flies freely between all the buildings in the area, as well as on the antennas on high buildings, and never forgetting to spend time with his sister on Tower 1. I am sure he is hoping she will join him soon so they can play talon tag and do barrel rolls, and other things young falcons can share (except food).
Diana and Connor move around between the antenna on the Carlisle, the Crowne Plaza Hotel, and the sensors on Tower C, as well as Towers 1 and 2 of Constitution Square. They bring food once in a while. I miss Horizon who was an excellent, but no-nonsense mother. She would not bring food at this time, but would fly by her chicklet, holding food in her talon and making sure her baby saw it, then flying away with it. Surely Nihei would have been flying by now.
A thought! Nihei spends her day alternating between sleeping, begging, eating, being out of sight, beetling, and again. Do we have a drama queen here? She can beg quietly, then turn up the volume, sound unhappy, then turn on the sob story, and can make herself sound absolutely miserable if she isn’t fed! Fortunately that doesn’t work as fast as she hopes for. Tailer has adopted a habit his father, Connor used to have, sleeping in the “box” on the side of the hotel (used to be an access door for the neon sign that used to be there).
This afternoon I had the opportunity to go up to the 21st floor to check on our Nihei. She was sleeping on her tummy, out of sight of the watchers below. That visit was to confirm that it was Tailer who flew from Tower 1, not her. We have had several moments of a false alarm now. One time this evening, Tailer had dinner on Tower 2. Just as he was cleaning up, a biplane flew overhead and he nearly jumped to Tower 1. As a chicklet suddenly flew from there to the box on the side of the hotel, everyone thought Nihei had finally gone. Once again, I went up to the 21st floor to check it out. She was still where she had been, picking at something on the ledge, while Tailer had flown and was on the tiny ledge above the box! Diana passed by with food and he dove on her, following her to the west side.
Another time had volunteers running around looking for Nihei and finally spotting a chicklet on the side of Tower 2. Then Diana came with food; it was Tailer, once again getting fed. Nihei was still on Tower 1, watching! Diana actually fed him beak to beak as if he were still a little baby. Watching from the Delta is proving a good spot now. When we left tonight, she was still on Tower 1, east corner, and Tailer was snoozing in the box, just below her. Tomorrow?
June 26 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — At 6 am, both chicklets were on Tower 1, hoping for breakfast. Tailer spotted Connor and followed him around Tower 1 and heading south. Nihei started to beetle westward along the north side and disappeared inside. A few minutes later, Diana delivered breakfast to Tailer on Tower 2. She then went to the antenna on the Carlisle. Soon, Tailer flew to join Diana, but she left as soon as he arrived. For a while Connor was on the southwest corner of the Crowne. There may have been a food drop to Nihei near the northwest corner of Tower 1.
Just after 7, Tailer went flying with Diana, twisting and turning in the air. What a superb flyer! She eventually gave up, but he continued for a few more minutes. Closer to 7:30 Nihei suddenly appeared at the northwest corner of Tower 1, bathed in shining gold from the early morning sun. She is so beautiful. Of course, I had not my camera at this moment, but will hold it in myself always.
Within half an hour, she was on her belly, sleeping. Her parents were on the antenna of the Carlisle, flying off and on a few times. She woke and showed us a few wing-flaps. This kind of activity went on most of the day. We had a few exciting times when someone would say that Nihei had flown to this location or that location. As we needed confirmation by sighting Tailer at the same time, all eyes were turned upwards. Unfortunately none of these times worked out as we soon would see a head on Tower 1, Nihei, every time. She went to the southwest corner only once, staying north most of the day.
Tailer was everywhere, including the top of Tower 3 for the first time. He is in and out of the ledge on the Crowne and in and out of the wires of the antenna on Tower C, all with no trouble!
We had some rain around noon, but the really interesting time was the thunderstorm this evening. The sound of it was resounding, as if it were right next to us. After the storm was over, we looked for our chicklets, and there they were, up on Tower 1 together, looking like a pair of drowned rats! They were so disheveled, and appeared to be grooming each other’s heads. As we left, we were not sure Nihei was fed again, much to her dismay. If they would withhold her food, she would probably be in the air now. There is such a thing as overfeeding your children.
June 25 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — With the day so hot, it is little surprise that our Nihei is still atop Tower 1. As the air started to cool down a bit this evening, she became a bit more active and beetled around the edge faster than before. Let’s hope this is the prelude to flying tomorrow.
Tailer seems to like the antenna on the Carlisle Building best. He is often found there. He spent time there with his mother several times today. He also had lessons in catching food dropped by Connor and never missed a beat! At one time today, he went to the top of the antenna with his wings out straight, feeling the wind, and appeared to rise up in the air with no effort of his wings.
The parents are still trying incentive flying to get Nihei off the Tower. I wish they would stop feeding her until she flies. Right now she has little reason to fly since she gets most of what she wants by sitting on the ledge of Tower 1. I think she will soon try her wings out again, especially as we are very short of volunteers, many shifts have no one signed up. However, when she goes, let’s hope she does it right.
June 24 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — Our little monkey is still up on Tower 1, looking very much like a gargoyle at times. This morning she was at the southwest corner and in a bit headed for the northeast corner, seemingly her favourite. Tailer was on the northwest corner of Tower 2. Soon he flew around, ending up on the Carlisle antenna, and went to sleep way up there. Diana was seen on the same antenna while Connor was on the ledge of the hotel.
Eventually Tailer joined Nihei on Tower 1. She was out of sight often and was thought to have taken her first flight. However that was soon found to be untrue as she was seen on “her” corner. It had been Tailer who had been flying around. Since she was out of sight at times, there is no confirmation of any food drops today, until a very small one for Nihei. There is no record of food for Tailer, but he could have followed an adult and eaten elsewere.
Once again, Nihei seems to be doing little other than beetling along the edges. Her parents are still doing incentive flying, past her, over her, near her, sometimes landing on the edge near her, then taking off. They are certainly working hard at parenting!
Tailer is very adept at landing on the antenna on Tower C, this time landing on the very point of a vertical tube rather than a radial arm. Then he flew over to the antenna on the Carlisle.
Tonight Nancy and Anouk stayed later. Nihei perked up around 9:30, when they were leaving, flapping her wings and going back to her corner. We have noticed one primary wing feather missing. This was not from today as we saw it that way a while ago. This, coupled with heat and humidity, as well as weight may be the reason she is taking longer to get going. Don’t give up! It will happen.
June 23 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — I arrived downtown about 5:35 this morning. Jorgen arrived a few minutes later. We didn’t see Nihei at first and went around to look for a bit. Then we found her, still clinging to the window ledge!
She seemed to sleep a bit, then look around. Connor flew past her to land on a sensor on the side of Tower C, then back in front of her, but she wouldn’t fly yet. I had to leave, but Jorgen stayed, good thing. After 9 am she left the hotel and flew over Queen St. She tried to get on a couple of buildings like the Podium but missed her mark. Her flight was ok, and so was her landing, on the ground. He went to her, gathered her up in a towel and took her back up to the roof of Tower 1 in the box while the others on shift waited below.
Back on the roof, she did little for a long time. She was fed close to 11 by Diana who then went to feed Tailer. He has been a whiz at flying, and seems to really enjoy his wings. He showed us how easy it is for him to land up on the antenna of Tower C!
The adults did more incentive flying, still not working. Nihei beetled from one end to the other once in a while, causing the volunteers to move from location to location, just in case she would suddenly fly. What a game. When we left tonight, she was on the southwest area of the hotel. We left Anouk still watching, just in case. She was to leave when it got too dark to see. I hope she got home before it was time to get up. The morning shift may have to look for Nihei should she decide to try her wings again. She did not seem to want to settle down for the night!
June 22 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — Our young lady stayed on Tower 1 where we left her last night. We have had the opportunity to see her with Tailer who loves flying but who seems content to spend time with his sister between bouts of flying. We have seen him plop down next to her, she sitting up and he flat on his belly. Sometimes both parents are also up there.
Most of the day has been rather quiet, with most sightings from the ground of one or both chicklets sitting on the edge, or beetling along the ledges. My reference is to the view we have of a falcon hunched over as it walks. From the ground, we don’t see the legs, so a rounded object is moving along the ledge very much like watching beetles moving along.
Nihei still had not flown in the evening, so I left around 7:30. Then around 9, she flew, this time landing on the Crowne Plaza Hotel, on a window ledge on the 9th floor! The ledges below the windows are slanted, with little to give security to a large bird. She was most likely holding on by just a few talons.
It grew too dark for the volunteers to see her, so they left her there, with her parents on nearby buildings, watching her, and her brother up on the ledge. We’ll check on her in the morning, hopefully to find her in a better position on a nearby building. As you can see, she still isn’t out of the woods yet, and the call for volunteers goes on. A few are giving much more of their time than we had expected, and I cannot thank them enough! Please see if there are a few more hours you can give for Nihei’s fledging period.
June 21 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — What a day! I arrived downtown around 5:30 this morning and started by looking and listening, to nothing. Tailer was no longer on the Marriott. After a walkabout I found Connor on Tower A, Diana on the antenna of the Standard Life Building, Nihei on her ledge and still no Tailer.
When the others joined in, they went to have a look and I stayed to check on Nihei, just in case she flew. Finally at nearly 8, Diana flew to Tower 1 with a kill, followed by Tailer. I went to the Penthouse of the Crowne to make sure it was Tailer (yes). Then the “fun” began.
Right at 9:45, Nihei left the ledge. She flew towards Tower 1, circled a bit, headed toward Tower A, and ran into trouble as she had no height, having stayed level with her ledge. She may have glanced off the middle of the west side. We watched in horror as she tumbled down, down and landed with her wings spread apart on the down ramp of the Crowne. Everyone ran over there and Chris rescued her while I called Bill.
Once he arrived, we went inside Tower 2 and Nihei was banded. She is a hefty 1060 grams! Wow! We have never had such a large female. She takes after her mother. The black band on her left leg has 80 over X, very recognizable in large white lettering. Chris and Marie took her in the box back up to the ledge. It took a minute for her to emerge as she seemed to like the box.
Suddenly she was off the ledge again. And, once again, we watched in horror as she flew to the middle of the west side of Tower A and fell down, catching her talon on a metal bar. She got free and continued to fall, landing on a ledge just by the down ramp, the same as before. This time she was rescued by Anouk, passed to Eve and taken back to Constitution Square. After being briefly checked, she was put into the box in a cool corner, and left to rest. She was exhausted and slept for a few hours.
Meanwhile Tailer was found on the Marriott with a parent who soon flew away. Amazingly, the parents did not see Nihei leave either time. They began to look for her after a while, once they realized she was not on the ledge.
As evening arrived, Lorraine and I took the boxed falcon up to the roof of Tower 1 to release her there. She had more room than on her ledge. She made her way to the side of the roof, tried to jump on the outer ledge, failed, and decided to take a nap, a wise move. We descended to the street and all watched anxiously from the sidewalk. Eventually she was seen on the outer ledge. As we watched, she moved along the ledge, exploring one way, then the other, back and forth, walking like a little beetle. It was interesting to see her brother across on Tower 2. He then flew past her to the ledge. Show off!
Connor had brought a bit of food to her, but it wasn’t much. Soon Diana brought more and fed her daughter on the ledge, with Connor keeping watch on the corner. Tailer couldn’t stand it and flew to the ledge also. The whole family there. I raced up to the penthouse again with my camera to record this. Diana was feeding Nihei and Tailer was creeping closer, one step at at time, watching his mother. As soon as Diana flew away, he ran to his sister’s side, and jumped on the food, eating as fast as he could. Nihei just watched him. When he was done, both sat together. What a sight!
Back on the sidewalk, we kept staring upward for glimpses of our chicklets, and hoping that Nihei would not fly anywhere tonight. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
June 20 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — I wonder sometimes just how much time we have put in staring at a building just in case a chicklet shows itself. If you had asked me that 13 years ago, when I became involved with this venture, I would have said not much time. Now I know different!
This morning Tailer was still on the west side of the hotel and Nihei was still on the east side. Food drops today were small in size. Unfortunately Connor and Diana haven’t worked this out as Horizon had. Withhold food to get more activity. Just when we thought Nihei was ready to fly, Connor would show up with another snack, and Diana never stopped him. Frustrating for the watchers. In the middle of the afternoon, some of us were suddenly on the run after Nihei as she flew in a southwesterly direction, only to find out it was Diana flying and Nihei was still in her spot! Many times in the past years, we have been fooled like this, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
Early this evening there was some enticement flying by the adults, trying to stimulate Nihei into her first flight, to no avail. We realized we had not seen Tailer in some time on the west ledge, so we started to search. He was found to be on top of the hotel. His poor distressed mother was looking around for him, not realizing he was right above her! A little while later, he left the Crowne and tried to get up on Tower C, but missed and bumped a window, tumbling a few feet down before recovering and trying to get back to the west ledge, missing that and flying east, to be found on a ledge on the west side of the Ottawa Marriott Hotel. He immediately flopped onto his belly and went to sleep. He was there when we left. Meanwhile Diana showed up with food for Nihei who attacked her. We think it was another small snack as she was up on the ledge rather quickly. She continues to beg for food every time she sees a parent.I hope she does not get fed so often tomorrow, and that she will finally take her first flight.
June 19 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — What an eventful day today. Tailer loves flying! First thing this morning, Diana fed Nihei, but not Tailer. He, not happy at all, flew over to Tower A where he saw Connor, who left. A little while later, Connor brought food for Tailer, but dropped it down the side of the building. About 20 or 30 feet from the ground, he caught it and brought it back up for his son. Amazing feat!
Eventually Diana brought more food. Tailer was still on the southwest corner of Tower B. Suddenly both parents went into alarm mode, first over Tower A, and then Tower B. Men were on the roof, apparently doing their annual roof check. I went to see Security who said they would contact the men, not having realized a baby was up there. Meanwhile, Connor accompanied Tailer over to the top of the Crowne. Actually he went to the southwest corner of Tower C. After a while things calmed down.Tailer saw Diana on the other corner of the building and flew to her. She left and he followed her, both flying over and around us and disappearing. Soon he was spied on the antenna on the Carlisle Building.
We watched Nihei as she practised her wing-flapping at either end of her ledge, napping on the ledge at the north end, hoping for food, and disappearing out of sight at times. One time she looked like a little striped Buddha.
This evening Tailer made an attempt at getting into the west ledge, missed, turned around in the air, trying it again, and making it! We now know he can go anywhere. Diana was seen on the ledge, gently putting tiny pieces of a pigeon in his beak, as if he were a little baby.When we left, he was at the southwest end, Nihei was inside the southeast end, Diana was up above us somewhere, and Connor was on the northwest corner of Tower 1. Tomorrow most of our concentrations will be on Nihei, who will likely try out her wings in the air.
June 18 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — Tailer decided to stay home today, although several times he looked as if he was going to fly again. It is not unusual for a chicklet to rest a few hours or a few days before flying again. Food drops were scarce as well.
Both chicklets were seen together off and on all day. They went to the northeast corner, where some wing-flapping was seen. By evening both were back at the southeast corner. At one point they were side by side near the string that hangs down from the roof about half way along the ledge, Tailer in his usual pose and Nihei with her face turned outward.
We have had the opportunity to see more of her, and we do believe we have a female. Although neither chicklet would sit up side by side, we have seen them together, from the shoulders up and she is bulkier than he is. She has not yet sat with her tail out and hanging down as her brother does. Maybe tomorrow.
The adults were not as active today, possibly due to the light rain that arrived part way through the day. They did fly around the Crowne occasionally. Connor was seen fleeing from the inside of the ledge, probably having checked out the possibility of leftovers. Nihei took exception to this as she determined she was starving and let everyone know all evening. Diana was on Tower 2, which drew both chicklets to the southeast corner. As we left, we still heard loud persistent calling, volume stepped up at times. How can Diana and Connor ignore that?
June 17 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — It is amazing that we have put 10 days under our belts already. So many sore necks will attest to that. How many of you have spent 4 hours at a time staring up at a ledge on the 25th story level? Some of us have.
Tailer was still on the Constitution Square, Tower 1 this morning. He spent lots of time up there, exploring the edges, going back and forth. Nihei was seen briefly on the ledge, but still not the whole body.
Around 1 pm, Diana and Connor had been flying around, trying to get Tailer flying again. It worked. He tried to fly to the hotel ledge, but couldn’t do it, so returned to Tower 1. Then he tried to fly over to the top of Tower 2 ( higher than Tower 1 ) but missed and started to tumble down. Anuok watched as he fell. Then he stuck out his wings and caught himself. He leveled out around 30 feet, and crossed over Albert St, heading into the outdoor eating area below Tower B of Place de Ville. He landed on the patio, and made his way back to a corner with a glass window. There he was expertly picked up by our Liz Greene and popped into our rescue box where he waited for Bill Petrie to come band him. We thank Lisa Hill and Donna Morgan-Linde for coming to help! Once Bill had finished, he, with Liz and Anouk took Tailer back up to his home ledge. There he stayed for the rest of today.
For those interested, he weighed 614 grams. His black band has 02 over Y in white lettering.
And now for Nihei. She was seen only seldom, and heard calling. Later on we did see her at the northern end. We saw wing-flapping once in a while. Then we did see more of her, from below the crop up. One volunteer thought we were looking at Diana as she seemed big. We should see more of her over the next few days and soon she will also be trying out her wings. Let’s hope Kathy will give her namesake good luck!
From Montréal: Banding falcon chicks still draws a crowd
From Winnipeg: CBC’s Falcon Cam passes million hits | Web cam
June 16 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — After a quiet morning, Tailer finally let go and flew. He didn’t go far, but he did stay up high. He is now on the top of Constitution Square Tower 1. His parents are nearby and brought him something to snack on. Nihei stayed home and is rather quiet, adding to the feeling we have a female. We have yet to see her whole self on the ledge. Tailer spent some of his time exploring the edges of his new world, running along each part of the ledge, stopping to check on the whereabouts of a parent, then running again, and then back again.Chris and I went up to the Penthouse of the Crowne Plaza Hotel and had a good look at him from a banquet room. We took a few photos and left, to continue watching from the sidewalk, just in case he decided to fly again.
June 15 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — Today was apparently not to be the first day of flying for Tailer. He was active at times and seems ready to fly, but the final push hasn’t come.
Breakfast was served around 7:30. There was some activity at the north end by Tailer, but wing-flapping didn’t equal flying. A good part of the day was quiet. If anyone was exercising inside the ledge, we didn’t see it. Just after 2 we saw both chicklets on the ledge, together! Little beaks touched together, tails were together when Nihei turned around to face out while Tailer faced in. However neither was sitting full bodies side by side so I have yet to confirm gender. That will still come.
Around 5, Connor suddenly flew in to the middle of the ledge. We were surprised to find that he started to feed both chicklets! Tailer was up on the ledge so we could see the fierce predator gently passing bits of meat to his offspring. Nihei was on the inside so all we saw was Connor leaning in to feed her. Awhile later we saw wing-flapping at the north end, so Jennifer was sent to watch from Queen St. She was joined by Chris. They could see Tailer but we couldn’t.
What we did see near 8 pm was Diana, who had been on the Carlysle Antenna appear at Tower A in a second, screaming and circling overhead, joined by Connor, also screaming and circling. I suspect the intruder on the roof was Security doing their regular checks. Once the intruder was gone, Tailer headed toward the southern end of the ledge, to join Nihei , hopefully to settle down for the night. Where will our volunteers find him in the morning?
June 14 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — As I arrived downtown shortly before 9 this morning, Danielle greeted me, very excited to share her news. No, no flights yet. But she had her first look at Diana feeding our boldest chicklet right out on the ledge! It is very moving to see such a fierce predator being so gentle with her chicklets. After feeding the first one, she leaned over and fed the other one.
Our next bit of excitement was shortly after noon when a 2nd face appeared while we saw the first one further along! I had gone up to the 21st floor with someone who works up there and looked in vain for a glimpse of the 2nd one. Nap time! Once we had seen it, we only got glimpses of wings flapping later on, but at least we know that it is ok now. A big relief.
Brian had a heart-stopping moment this afternoon. Everyone has one here. Our bold little falcon was out on the ledge when it decided to do some vigorous wing-flapping. That’s ok. But it was only holding on with a couple of talons, right out on the edge with its tail hanging out! Everything was fine in the end, still no flying.
We spent the rest of the evening looking upwards, wondering if this would be the moment. Chris and Marie were ready to run, I hope they still are tomorrow and the next day, and the next. Our bold one is ready any time. He just needs to let go.
We cannot be sure of gender without having a closer look, having both side by side each other or a parent. But we can make educated guesses based on behaviour and things we see and don’t see. Therefore we think we have a male and a female. Perhaps we’ll confirm this if they ever need rescuing. At any rate, we have given them gender-neutral names. Our male is now known as Tailer since we have spent a long time today seeing much of his tail, both when he hangs it out over the ledge and when he flops down to sleep on the ledge leaving it sticking it out.Our female will be known as Nihei (pronounced ni-hay), to honour Kathy Nihei who started the Wild Bird Care Centre and who gave us support and assistance with our Peregrines when needed.
June 13 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — One little chicklet seems to be gaining courage as time goes on. It has been seen often right out on the end of the ledge. There has been wing-flapping and more movement along the ledge. In fact, Diana was seen to bring food to the northern end. No one could see who was there to receive it, so it could be both, or just our little adventurer. I will feel better once we get to see both chicklets up on the ledge at the same time. For now, we have to be content with hearing both voices.Maybe Sunday will be the day to see both. At any rate, it certainly will be a day for more sightings of our intrepid chicklet who seems to be determined to master its wings.
June 12 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — As I was not downtown yesterday, I am reporting on days 5 and 6 here.
From time to time we can hear the little ones calling and calling every time they see a parent, to let them know they are starvinggggggg! It is fun to see new volunteers as they suddenly realize what a calling chicklet sounds like, and that they can hear this over the dulcet tones of rush hour traffic!
Our volunteers have been treated to a superb display of flying as Connor chased a pigeon in and around all the buildings in this area, eventually joined in this effort by Diana. Although they had to call it off (pigeon 1, peregrines 0), Diana did shortly after produce breakfast for her chicklets.
1 chicklet has been seen up on the ledge with occasional wing-flapping. It has also been seen at times simply sitting and taking in lots of new sights and sounds, its little head bobbing and turning from side to side, up and down. It is so cute doing this. We hope its sibling joins it up there soon. We can hear both calling and are getting anxious to see both, especially to see what genders we might have.
Hamilton’s chicks were banded and weighed on the 3rd. They have 1 male and 3 females, the largest females hatched there since 1995. The male was 690 grams, pretty average for a male. His sisters, though, weighed in at 1,040 grams, 1,014 grams and 1,049 grams! I hope they take their time with fledging as they have heavy bodies to keep up in the air! Paul Leger and Jorgen Rasmussen have recently taken photos for our album. Thank you, both.
I am sure Connor was a little upset tonight. He dislikes hot air balloons. We had a few pass overhead this evening.
June 10 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — You never know what a new day will bring. As usual it starts off quietly – NOT!
According to Jordan, noise, noise, noise. The dulcet tones of hungry chicklets calling, no demanding, breakfast. And they got it. In fact the volunteers watched as Connor dispatched a pigeon in front of their eyes, something that few people ever get to see.
There was not much activity today, other than several meals delivered on time, and presumably lots of sleeping. We did have people coming over to see what we were doing, or to get updates. One lady from Scotia McLeod came to say that she would be back in a few days and that we should be able to go look out their kitchen window at lunch time. They are directly across from the ledge. I also had 2 members of the Dutch Embassy invite me up for late afternoon when I can show up. Scott is checking with Revenue Canada for me to see if the officer who had let me in his office in Tower A is still there. The glass windows over at 240 Sparks St will be covered with flagging between Thursday and Sunday, just in time for fledging.
Back to the Watch now. Connor and Diana moved around from time to time. And, then, around 8 pm I spied a brown body near the south end, just up from the corner by the indented area. Sure enough, there was a chicklet closer to the edge, little head bobbing around as it checked out new sights. It was there for at least 15 minutes! Feathering would make one believe it was older than it is. Lots of brown, with fluff on the crown and bloomers, but next to none showing over the front or shoulders. We could not see the back, but it was browner than I had expected. Here we go. Joan, you should have stayed a little longer!
June 9 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — What a rainy, cold day! Breakfast was served around 7:30 by Connor. Most of the day was quiet. I arrived around 4 this time and shortly after we saw the crown of a fuzzy head near the corner! In spite of getting my scope set up, we only saw adults after that. That is until nearly 7:30. Of course, I was inside when the sighting happened, but the fuzzy crown was seen again, nearly beside the 3rd column.
Diana flew over there and probably made it move back inside as it wasn’t seen again this evening. Diana did bring food earlier. When we left Connor had been on the antenna of the Carlysle Building and Diana had been on the southwest corner of Tower A, but she moved just before we left, out of sight somewhere. At least it wasn’t raining anymore.
June 8 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — Our 2nd day is over now, with a bit of excitement thrown in, but not by our chicklets. Apparently they spent the day eating and sleeping!
The events happened for the volunteers’ entertainment. The first was a man across the street who was very rude and loud, accosting women waiting for the buses, and eventually one of the men waiting there who tried to get him to leave. That man was hit and kicked for his efforts, but not badly. Meanwhile 3 or 4 buses were lined up, but not letting people off for a bit. All drivers called in to OCTranspo and the police. We asked security at Constitution Square to call the police as well. When 2 cars arrived, I went over to talk with them as did the man who tried to help. The nasty one had ended up taking another bus. We were able to tell the police which bus, his description, etc.
All was quiet again until Chris Traynor arrived to do a roof check of our babies. As I had thought, we knew exactly when he arrived on the roof as both falcons immediately went after him, screaming and diving. Knowing what a scary feeling that can be if you are the one being threatened, Chris is amazingly calm about all of this. Unfortunately, he was not able to see the chicklets as they were tucked in close to the front corner. All was quiet again as we left this evening.
June 7 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — It seems a bit strange to start early, at least early for Ottawa birds. It also seems strange for Day 1 to start without my presence. However we are underway.
Most of the day was quiet, as we expected. After all, our oldest is 33 days old today. The chicklets had breakfast, but not much else for most of the day, according to the log book. The adults were seen at times, and on antennas or out of sight at other times. It is rather cold here. We have done the Falcon Watch in most all kinds of weather, and Albert St is known as a wind tunnel. It lived up to its reputation today.
I had decided that we could shut down early this evening as all was quiet and no activity was expected. Around 7:40 pm I was starting to get things together when Nancy said she could see white up near the corner. Connor, supposedly. Or not! It was the top of a fuzzy head!! I could also see a couple of wing flaps! Oh, no! Too early.
Thankfully that was it for the sighting this evening. There was lots of noise soon when the adults showed up nearby. They left again. Eventually Connor came in to the southwest corner with a kill, but I could not see what it was. After a long time (I was sure he was eating), he brought something around to the nest ledge when Diana flew in to feed her chicklets. Then all was really quiet and we packed up for today. We are really short of volunteers! I hope more show up soon.
May 11 [from Chris Traynor] — Connor and Diana are pleased to announce the arrival of 2 fluffy white chicks. There were no chicks on Friday when the last check was made. Today 2 chicks and 1 egg. I had a good look at them this morning, and it appears they were born Saturday and Sunday. So the countdown begins. Last year the 3rd egg did not hatch and that may be the case again as Diana is giving priority to the two chicks and the last egg is now exposed. Given the chill, this is not a good thing for the egg but you never know, it may hatch yet and then we will have our hands full.
April 15 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — I was on the roof this afternoon between 4:30 and 5:45. Phil was with me. Diana was on the nest and Connor was on the Carlisle antenna. After a long while, he came down to the edge of Tower B. Just as I told Phil it was time to leave, he flew over and they changed places. Was I ever delighted to get a good look at 4 eggs! If anyone has access to a window up in Tower B or Tower 2, have a look now and then. I am expecting the hatch to happen around the 4-6 May, and the FalconWatch around the middle of June. We may need more volunteers than ever, so please keep us in mind.
April 4 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — Today around noon, Diana on Tower 1 and Connor on nest. Hopefully a hatch around May 4th.
April 3 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — As of a roof check today, I can tell you that our falcon family is alive and well. Connor was taking his turn at brooding the contacts of the next scrape, though we do not yet know how many eggs we have. Diana was on the northwest corner of the Constitution Square Tower 1. The nest is next to the southeast corner of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Keep your collective fingers crossed.
March 29 [from Joan Remsu] — From my window on the 27th floor at QET, I can I see what appears to be two falcons on the west face of the Crowne Plaza. I can’t distinguish between the two.
March 29 [from ??] — 9:15 – Connor landed on the west face of the Crowne Plaza near the south end. A few minutes later his mate flew in and landed near the north end. After a fair amonut of vocalizing, Connor moved toward Diana and both disappeared inside. Connor appeared and moved to the south edge, while Diana stayed close to the other end.
March 28 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — I have been checking the areas around the Coates Building and the Crowne Plaza Hotel for the past few days to see if there is any sign of courtship, etc. There has been 1 falcon on the antenna of the Carlisle Building for at least yesterday and today. As best as I can tell, it is Diana. I also saw 1 falcon at the Coates Building yesterday, and 1 falcon this evening on the east side of the hotel. I am sure this is Connor. It would be nicer to see them together. Please take time over the next week or 2 to see if there is any more activity with our pair. I am hoping it will start soon. Please let me know when you see them together or any increased activities.
March 22 [from Phil] — Yesterday at 9:30 am, there was a falcon on the antenna of the business centre. I am thinking it was Diana but not sure. I waited for several minutes but no sign of her mate.
March 15 [from Phil] — Yesterday at 10 am there was one falcon perched on the southeast corner of the Crowne. At 4:15 pm yesterday there were two falcons on the hotel. One between the second and third pillars, southeast side, and the orther, who jumped up after a few minutes of watching, was near the first pillar. There was some vocalizing. I think it was Connor between the second and third pillar, but I am not postive. It is great to see two falcons around the hotel!
March 14 [from Eve Ticknor, Peregrine Falcon Watch Coordinator] — I passed through downtown yesterday, but no sign of our falcons. I did see one on the corner of Constitution Square a few days ago. Now is the time to be watching for both of them to be getting closer and more active together. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for mating to be taking place around the end of this month and a successful nesting in early April. Please keep me informed of any falcon activity.
February 28 [from Phil] — Today at around 2 pm Eve and I spotted a Peregrine on the Coates building. It was perched on the south facing wall. We are guessing it was Diana but we couldn’t be sure. If you are around the Crowne Plaza please keep a look out for our pair and send in your report. They should start to spend more time down in that area now.